Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lab 6 (Week 7)

The lab exercise for Week 7 was one of my favorites so far. I enjoy working with raster data much more than vector, as I believe it gives a better representation of reality. One of the main benefits of working with raster data is that it is easy to use, manipulate, and understand. The shaded relief model gives a clear picture of the true landscape, and it is easy to visually understand, even to an individual with no prior experience with GIS. I found that another benefit of working with raster is the ability to overlay data frames and adjust the transparency. This way, it is possible to view multiple layers at a time. Creating the 3D model was my favorite part of the lab, and I believe it is a huge benefit of raster data. The 3D model is a fantastic representation of topographic reality. Although I enjoyed working with raster data, I did notice some potential pitfalls. When a data frame contained too much data the difference in colors became difficult to distinguish. Maps with multiple data fields, such as the aspect map and slope map, consisted of a wide variety of colors that at times made it difficult to understand. The map ended up looking like a complicated rainbow and it was hard to tell the colors apart. Also, with multiple data frames came the challenge of correctly adjusting the transparency in order to view the multiple layers of data at the same time. If all data frames were checked, I found that the shaded relief model was more prominent than the others, which were hidden behind it. I was more interested in this lab assignment than most of the previous assignments. I felt for the first time that I was beginning to get comfortable with ArcMAp. I realize that my knowledge is still rudimentary, but I look forward to continue working with raster data.

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